Faraway, So Close!

Faraway, So Close!

25 April–1 May 2012
Fichtestraße 6, Berlin

Curated by Anastasia Albokrinova, Kordula Fritze-Srbic, Valentina Galossi, Carolina Jiménez, John Kenneth Paranada, Paz Ponce Pérez-Bustamante, Nicola Ricciardi, Alexia Werrie.

Organized by Node Center for Curatorial Studies, in collaboration with Grimmuseum and Künstlerhaus Bethanien.

Featured Artists: Mario Asef, Stuart Bailes, Ivan Bošković, Stephanie Comilang, Jenny Ekholm, Boris Eldagsen, Assaf Gruber, Brendan Howell, Gemis Luciani, Paula Muhr, Julian Oliver, Olve Sande, Elizabeth Skadden, Kasper Vang, Kim Westerström.

Why would we, living in a contemporary world, need a bunker?

Fifteen international artists present their work inside the historically charged space of the Fichte Bunker, offering the possibility to investigate what we see, how we see, and who we are.

Daily, hourly, moment-to-moment we are bombarded with information, which we conceive to be the real picture of the world. The bunker provides a place to escape the overwhelming nature of constant communication and urges us to slow down the pace, focusing on ourselves in order to look out again for a better understanding of ourselves within our surroundings.

The exhibition “Faraway, So Close!” explores the structure of the bunker as a secluded space where we can investigate the gap between external reality and internal experience. The visitor follows a journey that begins with introspection and inner questions, gradually leading outwards to the self in context with the world. Starting with intimate cells that put the spectator face-to-face with a particular artwork, the exhibition moves on to bigger rooms where art pieces approach thematics of social interactions and constructions.